Sunday, August 30, 2009

Colors of Cornerstone & Cornerstone 5th Anniversary Celebration

Colors of Cornerstone
Cornerstone 5th Anniversary Celebration

Oh, hello there! Long time no blog huh. frankly to tell you all i'm not in the mood to blog since the last post, hehe. :D well, to keep you updated with what's going on at Cornerstone. well, last August 28, 2009 Cornerstone is now 5 years old, praise the Lord! God has really helped us through out the years, many new Cornerstone Churches are being planted rapidly, there are now 12 Cornerstone Churches and 4 more to come, Amen! All Glory to God alone! :D

Next next week, September 12 & 13, 2009, we will be having our first ever Colors of Cornerstone & the celebration of our 5th anniversary. What will happen at Colors of Cornerstone? well, it will be a presentation of what the Lord has done in every Cornerstone Churches for the past 5 years. there will be praise & worship, reports, presentations and the word of God. It will be an exciting day coz Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong will be with us with his team, the senior pastor of our mother church at Singapore, Heeya to our brothers and sisters there, heeya back if you have read this. :D haha. It's really a busy month but the important thing is that we don't lose our focus on Jesus. :D

Have a blessed day. God Bless!

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