Hey guys, it has really been a long loooooonnnnnggggg time since we've blogged. Haha. Sorry for not posting, if you're the ones who are checking out our blog every once in a while or maybe everyday, we're sorry. ^_^
Well, there are so many things that have happened these past years at the church, good & bad, but the Lord is in control and we know that we are going in the right way. And right now, the church is re-structuring, so it's busy busy busy. But it is also sooooooo exciting, many exciting plans ahead. ^_^ We will keep you updated about what is/will happening, but to be honest, we don't know how it will be frequent but be assured that we will post what God has done here at Santiago. We're also thinking on having another blogsite, but for the meantime we'll use this. but we don't know. just keep updated. :D
Right now, the church is really growing. I remember pastor Mark said, if you're not being stretched, you are not growing. And now, our young people here are getting more involved at the church, this coming weeks 2 of our young people will be opening a Lifegroup, and more young people want to be involved in a lifegroup & in the worship ministry. It' all good. God is really doing great. :D
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
it will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11
We believe God has given us a vision at the church, which is Saturate Santiago. And we believe God is moving & He will do what He wants in His church, in Santiago, in the Philippines & in the whole world. And we want to see it come to past. So, are you up for the challenge? what vision did God gave you? Are you just gonna be an audience or be a part of God's army? Godblez