Sunday, January 27, 2008


"A Generation, prepared for the coming revival"

Yup, that's our vision for 2008, almost the same as our vision as a whole church. :D, last year we've got visions from the Lord, for the whole church, one of them is that the year of 2007 is a year of peace, and yes it is, and also one of them is that this year, 2008, there will be a typhoon that's gonna hit our church, not a physical typhoon that's gonna wreck down houses, and everything on it's way but a spiritual typhoon. And right now we're at the wind of that typhoon, :D, coz right now we're beginning to experience persecutions, individual problems, misunderstanding, relationships broken and many more but God has a promise for us, like an eagle, excitedly waiting for that typhoon to come so that we can soar higher.

I believe that God is beginning to lay down the foundations in our church right now, that He is beginning to shake everything that can be shaken, so that He can put the right people, at the right place, and at the right time at His church. We're excited, at the same time frightened. :D, Excited, coz this will be one of the greatest year of our lives, a year of preparation, a year of dependency to God, a year of breakthrough, a year to come up higher, a year of God's glorious works, a year of humbleness, a year of a higher level of faith, anointing, ministry, a year of multiplication, a year of love, a year of unity, a year that's only Jesus will be glorified, and a year of revival. But, just like pastor Marlou said, who will be there to back us up through this typhoon, who will endure, who will be faithful to the Lord, who is willing to take the risk, who is willing to GIVE UP his dreams, his ambitions, his life, his everything TO GO UP.

Just right after the service, we've headed back home, and then get some money and headed in a sari-sari store. We've seen some youths at each of the corner of the streets as we were buying, you can see some of them drinking beers, smoking cigarretes, and etc., one youth approached us, our neighbor, after seeing my wounds after the accident that I've had[a motorbike accident], he began to say bad words, and he said that we should not let this happen to me, that we should also beat the person that have done this to me not knowing that I've had a motorbike accident. But as you look into the eyes of these youths, you can see that they need Jesus, they really need Jesus! But what are we doing as Christians? We should be going out there, snatching them out of darkness! But instead we choose to be at our comfort zone, we choose not to take the risk, we choose to be we, not Christ! If you are reading this right now and your present situation is like this, then this is for you!

What are the things that holds you back so that Jesus can work in you, so that you can reach out your neighbor, your friends, your schoolmates, and your family: Is it that your ashamed? Is it that you think that they will think of you like a weirdo, or out of your mind, or crazy? Is it your reputation? Or is it that your too shy? WAKE UP! Can't you see this dying generation? You must start the change in you, don't wait, don't expect somebody to do that first, It must start in you! God doesn't need your 99.9%, He needs your 100% cooperation with Him! You need to give up your habits, vices, wants, needs, your heart, mind, your time, your body, your strength, your talents, your ambitions and dreams! You've got to give your ALL to Jesus, all means that there will be no excemptions. so that God can work in you, in your family, in your friends, in your school and in your neighborhood! Coz when you begin to move, everything around you will move!. Do not wait for tomorrow, the right time is NOW. Coz now is the right time to make a change, to stand for God, to stand for your family, for your neighborhoods, for your friends, for your relatives, for your school, for your generation! Do not let yourself do what the devil tells you to do! Instead you must tell the devil what he should do! Stand up for your generation, make a change, make an impact, reach out your family, your relatives, your friends, your neigborhood, your school, your barangay, your city, your nation and the whole earth!