Tuesday, October 9, 2007


University Invasion

Hi there to all, it's been a long time since we've posted things here in our blog site! It is just so great, so very uplifting, so very...I can't explain what I'm feeling right now! All I know is that I am so happy, oh this joy that I'm feeling right now! God is just so very great! This feeling when you see your fellow Christian working together, seeing them victorious in their lives, seeing them growing in their spiritual life, seeing youths saved, transformed and molded by our Lord, Jesus Christ! I am so speechless of how God works in our lives! Whoo! :D

Well for the past weeks! Remember our blog about the 60 young people? Well about that, it's not 60 anymore but now "THE WHOLE SCHOOL IS INVOLVED!!!!" Whoo! Praise Jesus! Wow! Cause City High [a school here in Santiago] will be having their recollection at the Fire Center, Sefton Village! That's every Saturday! We've just started last week for the 4Th year high school students, many lives were touched last week, many opened their hearts and invited Jesus into their lives! Almost 300 youths have attended! Well that's not over yet, this Saturday, the 3rd year high school students are next in line, their population is 600 then another 600 for the 2Nd year high school students and 700 for the 1st year high school students! Wow! GOD is just so so so so so so so GREAT! God really moves in mysterious ways! I am so speechless!

"This is just the beginning!" as the Lord showed a vision to ptr. Marlou about Northeastern College! Yesterday, October 9, 2007, I didn't expect that youths will attend our prayer meeting! I believe that everything happens for a reason and God has a reason why we were there! That night, we watched the prophecy of Cindy Jacob about Philippines, then we prayed for Philippines! Then that night God impressed to ptr. Marlou's heart that we [young people] should be prayed! As we were being prayed, the Holy Spirit moved and then God touched each and everyone of us, some were slain, crying, on their knees, etc.! And God showed a vision to ate Che, that God will invade La Sallete high school! God will really invade every school and university here in Santiago! God is really moving right now in our lives! He is preparing each one of us for the Revival that God will do here in the Philippines! I don't want to be an audience! I want to be a part of this great revival!

Please pray for us, as we live life by the will of God! Have a good day! Godblezyol!