Sunday, March 30, 2008

God's Love For Us

God's Love For Us

Praise God for this week, it was tiring but it was also great. Coz we've just moved our place of worship from Ala Moana building to our new, more affordable, and more beautiful place, Aggabao[that's a surname here in Phils] building. At first their price for 3 rooms was 15,000 pesos and then God blessed us and they gave us 4 rooms for 15,000 pesos. But after a week, they changed the deal and they've made it 20,000 pesos for 3 rooms only, awful :( .. but God made a miracle, God touched the person who owns the building and now the whole 2nd floor has been given to us with the price of only 20,000 pesos, isn't that great, praise the Lord! All in all there are 8 rooms there including the toilets, and one great thing is that we can use it 24/7, :D. Compared to our previous building we are only allowed to use our place of worship once a week, only Sundays, and they are not allowing us to design the place, no this and no that. For now we have painted the main hall, designed the kids church, we've installed the lights, fans and 1 of our aircons, the sound system has been set upped and we've got the keys and we can use it 24/7. God is great and His ways are just so marvelous ... we couldn't have done this without the help of some youths, well done guys, you're all a blessing. And especially to our pastors and leaders who from the first up to the last minute of the building process are there, who worked their hands and hearts off for the beautification of the dwelling place of the Lord, You're all a blessing po talaga, Godblez po! :D

We couldn't have done this without the love of God, coz it is His love that holds us and compels us to do this things for Him. We've just had our 1st night service in our new building just a while ago, and our preacher was bro. Andrew, he's one of the UK team, and he spoke about love, he shared to us 4 people from the Bible: John, Mary, Judas Iscariot, and Peter and how they have reacted towards the love Jesus has for them.

John reacted by loving Jesus with all his heart, in fact he is the only disciple who is there at the crucifixion of Jesus. Mary reacted by anointing Jesus' feet with her nard[that's worth a year's wages], and wiped Jesus' feet with her hair. But Judas reacted differently, he reacted by betraying Jesus for just 30 pieces of silver. and Peter reacted by denying that he was one of the disciples of Jesus, he denied Jesus for 3 times and after that the rooster crowed and what Jesus have said was true that he will deny Him even before the rooster will crow, and he went outside the city and began to weep. But after Jesus has risen from the dead He went on looking for Peter.

"For God so loved the world,
that He gave us His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life."
John 3:16

God loves you so much that He sent His only son, Jesus, here on earth to die on the cross for you and me so that our sins would be washed away with His blood and redeem us with God once again. Will you accept this love? you cannot repay this love with money, fame or anything else that is in this world. All God wants is for you to repent from your sins and turn to Him, obey Him, serve Him and love Him ... will you accept this love?

If you want to accept this love and invite Jesus to come into your heart and make Him Lord and Savior of your life, we want you to pray this prayer[a prayer is a way of talking to God]!

Lord I am a sinner and I am need of Your forgiveness,
please forgive me of all my sins and
wash it away with your blood.
Lord, thank You for the love you have lavished on me, for dying on the cross for me, for giving Your life for me.
Lord, to You I surrender my life,
right now I accept you Lord Jesus into my heart,
be Lord and Savior of my life,
take control of my life from now on. Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, then we we woul like to get in touch with you, we want you to grow in your Christian life, we want to know your name, where you're from, we want to know you and what God has done in your life! Please get in touch with us, you will see our e-mail at the left side of this blog, read our blog in every opportunity you have and be encouraged of what God is doing here in Santiago City! Godblezyol!

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